Thursday, February 9, 2012

2012 in review: music

I give up. I said I'd stay on top of new album releases, but I can't. Uncle! 

Cliche #325: "There's too much new music nowadays."
I can't say I disagree. After one month of this cockamamie experiment, I've heard enough crap to tide me over for all of 2012. And I listened to mostly 'good' stuff! If I went full-tilt, I'd be a withered olive by now. So it's over. I'm done. Stop releasing bad music indiesphere. Stop releasing bad demos hardcoresphere.

Only two records worth mentioning from January 2012: the new Cloud Nothings and the new GBV. With these, at least, it seems like something's at stake.

And now, because I seldom use this blog as a vehicle for shay-talking, my 2 worst albums of the year.

Lana Del Rey - Born to Die

Craig Finn - Clear Heart Full Eyes

I began writing my reasons, but there are just so many, and the internet's full of bad vibes, so here's the summary. LDR: you hate your audience. You're a corporate monkey. Craig Finn: get off autopilot. You should know better.

See you all in 2013.